Saturday, June 22, 2013

On The Farm

In case nobody knows this I am going to let you in on a little secret about living in the is really hot! Now that I have that out of the way we felt this heat should not defer us from doing something fun. We realize how fortunate we are to have the sun always shining, so we felt it best to use that to our abilities and do something family friendly outside.

We searched high and low, through the internet of course (I mean who uses anything else), and finally found the perfect activity. Schnepf's farm is an amazing farm in Queen Creek Arizona where you can pick fresh fruits and vegetables straight off the trees and vine. They also have many activities for the kids such as train rides and a petting zoo. Unfortunately we did come the day before it closes for summer so not all of these opportunities were available for us, but we still had a lot of fun exploring the farm and participating in what we could.

The way they had decorated the whole farm, from their store, to the sitting area's and pathways gave you a sense of feeling right at home even though you were no where near it. The friendly staff greeted us every time we entered a new area, making our experience that much more enjoyable. We visited the shops and plantations, even got to go inside a museum that was inside an 100 year+ house.

We stayed as long as we could until we just could not bear the heat any longer. By the time we had left we had gathered a variety of fruits and vegetables along with homemade syrups, salad dressings and hot salsa for our meals. We cannot wait to show you what we use all these delicious purchases for and hope to give some recipes to those who are unsure what they want to cook in their kitchen.

These our some of the pictures we took today, I am not the most creative when it comes to photos but we hope they help to recreate the joys we had today on our little trip and hope everyone takes the time to go search for something that is free and can be a family fun outing. We will be coming back to this place in the fall to allow ourselves the chance to encounter all the amazing things this place has to offer! Definitely going to be a day we all remember!

(P.S. We know we have been slacking on the DIY and Thrift Shop alterations, but we hope that you are patient with us as we are still trying to figure out everything we want to post on this blog and how to represent ourselves for each post.)

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