Tuesday, July 23, 2013

DIY Shoulder Cutout Shirt

We are opening our blog once again after what seems like a long hiatus and displaying our adventures to the public once again. We traveled up north to visit friends and family, taking the time to truly appreciate our loved ones, but now we are back and ready to remain on track, attempting to maintain constant blogs and various crafty creations.

Cutouts have become a hot trend for all seasons, being shown on both dresses and blouses of different shapes, sizes, and variety. Anne and I have decided that we would join the trend and make one for our own.

Shoulder cutouts have been popular lately and so we decided this would be our way of showing some skin. Inspired by Lily Melrose's shirt that she had bought from Forever 21 I decided to take one of my thrift shop shirts and change it to a similar fashion.

 As women, most of us are indecisive. We never know what we like. When it comes to clothes projects the most helpful advice that I have to share is start off smaller then what you intend when making a cut. That way you can decide if you like it or if it needs to be bigger. Cutting off too much at once is only going to cause an unworn shirt and an unhappy seamstress. We went ahead and put this polka dot shirt on myself, deciding what kind of cutout I wanted for my shirt while Anne went ahead and made the incision.

Then, once I had decided I liked the amount that was taken off of the sleeves I tried the shirt back on. We noticed that because of the cuts that were made it made the remaining pieces of fabric that rested on my shoulders too loose, making them look unflattering. Anne pinned the sleeves to fit my body, making them tight enough to lay on my arms without looking awkward.

She used the sewing machine to tighten the remaining arm fabric to secure the sides. Once they remained firmly on my upper arms it was time to hem the areas where the cuts had been made. This allows the shirt to look as though it had been boughten with cutout sleeves, giving it a flawless, even finish.

Cutout shirts are very versatile, adding lots of jewelry and accessories to create the perfect day time outfit, or pairing it with some heels and transforming it into the perfect night out attire. Either way I will be living in this shirt throughout the seasons, keeping this trend as a staple in my growing attire.

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